Все публикации

140,000,000 Women Can’t Be Wrong

Die jüngste Tochter

Nach der Sonne

Im düstern Wald werden unsre Leiber hängen

Weiches Begräbnis

An das Wilde glauben


Internationaler Literaturpreis 2021: Die Shortlist

Catherine Burke: Colin Ward and anarchist educational concepts of the 1960s and 1970s

Sabine Bitter & Helmut Weber: Educational Modernism: Performing Archives of Learning

Discussion: Anarchy and Control

Evan Calder Williams: Flexible Cages

Tom Holert: Introduction | Anarchy and Control

Francesco Zuddas: Against Campus. Or the life and passion of Università-Territorio

Discussion: Campus Utopianism and Its Discontents

Monika Mattes: „Leistungsschule“, „Lernfabrik“ oder „Kuschelecke“?

Discussion: School-Building: Between Decolonization and Development Policy

Tom Holert: Introduction | Cybernetics and Type Building

Gregor Harbusch: Experimentelle Räume: Ludwig Leos Schulentwürfe

Tom Holert: Introduction | Campus Utopianism and Its Discontents

Elke Beyer: Introduction | School-Building: Between Decolonization and Development Policy

Dina Dorothea Falbe: Local Specifics. Variations of the GDR Type School Building

Kooperative für Darstellungspolitik: Exhibition Design | Education Shock

Diskussion: Zur Experimentalisierung von Kindheit und Schule