Все публикации

Are You Red or Blue Pipe? We Need More Pipers!

Go Left, Straight, or Right?

Animated Gentoo emerge Running Likelihood by Weekday and Time of Day (in minute-bin)

New channel, but hold your cheers!

godu, a disk usage with Miller columns to find big dir/files

reversi-cli, 2-player Reversi

enigma, ncurses-based Enigma and Fialka simulator

cponysay, pony-overloadded Ponysay cowsay

vtclock, a text-mode full-screen digital clock

cli-visualizer, ncurses-based audio visualizer

chooser, ncurses application to interactively filter input through pipe

JD, Interactive JSON Editor

Defuse Division, 1p and multiplayer Minesweeper

textmode-lifestyle, Text mode lifestyle

rtspeccy, real time spectrum analyser

BCDock, binary-coded decimal clock

Countdown timer for New Year

golife, windowing Conway's Game of Life

pipes.go, pipes.sh in Go

Tappy Bird

C-Snake, Snake clone by Philipp Hagenlocher

dogon - X11 Minecraft demo

PIANOTERM, piano display with MIDI file or input port

Poe, like IBM Personal Editor II (PE2)