Все публикации

Scraping an iranian e-commerce website, Digikala!

Scraping Professors Contact Information Using Python

Best Python library for Web Scraping in 2024.

Apify asked for $15, so I coded my own Airbnb scraper!

Scraping Zillow in Python. hidden api revealed!

The key to web scraping: Get Request explained!

Wallet Balance Checker - reverse engineering crypto api!

Data Extraction from 637 Companies | Paid Project #3

Lead Generation! | Paid Project #2

Scraping House Prices | Upwork Paid Project #1

Scraping IMDB With Python 2024. without selenium!

Automate a Website With Computer Vision. (Limercoin)

the most useful Python script I ever wrote

Real-Time Object Detection From Scratch. ai moves itself!

Detecting Objects Based on RGB Colors : PyAutoGUI and OpenCV for Object Detection in Games Episode 2

Detect and Click on Objects : PyAutoGUI and OpenCV for Object Detection in Games Episode 1