Все публикации

Fun times at the 8u level!!! #baseball #growingupbaseball #americansports #sports #Sincediapers #mlb

Better is better! #5yearsold #growingupbaseball #love #dominicanbaseball #mlb #ohtani #aaronjudge

5 year old shocks the crowd! #growingupbaseball #5yearsold #dominicanbaseball #love #mlb #sports

Challenge your children!!! #dominicanbaseball #baseball #Mlb #love #5yearsold #sports #sincediapers

Just keep stacking days! #football #sports #nfl #5yearsold #growingupbaseball #deionsanders #love

Learning football is fun!!!! #5yearsold #football #nfl #coachprime #skobuffs #mlb #love #2sportkid

Are you being developed or being exposed? #growingupbaseball #dominicanbaseball #4yearold #mlb #love

The secret to Coach Pitch Baseball! #mlb #8ubaseball #4yearold #dominicanbaseball #baseballboy #goat

4 year old Phenom learns to catch the hard way!

He has a lot to learn! #growingupbaseball #baseballlifestyle #4yearold #dominicanbaseball #MLB

Did you practice today??? #baseball #growingupbaseball #dominicanbaseball #4yearold #sports #mlb

Can yours rake??? #baseball #growingupbaseball #dominicanbaseball #4yearold #sports #mlb #ohtani

Does your 4 year old self correct??? #growingupbaseball #dominicanbaseball #4yearold #baseballboy

No….he must be 7 or 8!!! #4yearold #dominicanbaseball #growingupbaseball #mlb #baseballboy #love

Just your average 4 year old learning! #growingupbaseball #4yearold #baseballboy #dominicanbaseball

Start them early!!! #2yearsold #8ubaseball #growingupbaseball #baseballboy #dominicanbaseball #MLB

PLAY UP!!!! #4yearold #8ubaseball #baseballboy #dominicanbaseball #growingupbaseball #mlb

Make sure yall coach hold your kids accountable!!! #4yearold #growingupbaseball #8ubaseball #MLB

JUST KEEP WORKING!!! #4yearold #8ubaseball #growingupbaseball #dominicanbaseball #sports #mlb

Development isn’t sexy!

Everybody isn’t as good as you!!! #dominicanbaseball #4yearold #growingupbaseball #8ubaseball #love

Just work! #4yearold #8ubaseball #mlb #dominicanbaseball #goat #love #ohtani #baseball #motivation

I wouldn’t believe his age either! #baseball #4yearold #dominicanbaseball #mlb #8ubaseball #love

Came a long way since doing this at 10 months old #mlb #dominicanbaseball #4yearold #8ubaseball