Все публикации

full adder with vhdl(structural)

full adder with vhdl(dataflow)

single bit full adder

VHDL,Inverter(not gate)

AVR microcontroller,Serial Peripheral Interface–SPI

AVR microcontroller, EEPROM Data Memory

AVR microcontroller, The Analog Comparator

AVR microcontroller,ADC_example

AVR microcontroller, Analog to Digital Converter (ADC)

AVR microcontroller, frequency meter

AVR microcontroller Timer/Counter2

Proteus Tutorial,Debugging Tools

AVR microcontroller tutorial, External Interrupt

AVR microcontroller tutorial, Timer0 and DC motor

AVR microcontroller tutorial, Timer/Counter0

proteus tutorial,sub-circuit in Proteus

op amp(operational amplifiers),inverting amplifier,Voltage follower

Arduino,Alphanumeric LCD

Arduino,blinking LED

AVR microcontroller tutorial,Alphanumeric LCD & AVR-ATmega32 microcontroller

Proteus Tutorial,Master Sheet

Proteus Tutorial,PCB of dual power supply

Proteus Tutorial,Dual Power Supply

Proteus Tutorial,PCB Design,PCB of the AVR-ATmega32 microcontroller input and output configuration