Все публикации

Mr James Newman - Executive Director of International Programs, Tacoma Community College

Ms. Adlin Iskandar - South East Asia Regional Lead, University of Nottingham Malaysia

LASALLE's BA (Hons) Music Business programme

University of HUDDERSFIELD | Student Accomodation

Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University (XJTLU) Accomodation Tour

Student Testimony: Celine - Design Communication, LASALLE College of the Arts Singapore (UAS)

Data Science at Curtin Singapore

Student Testimony : Ananda Dewayani - BA (Hons) Film, LASALLE College of the Arts Singapore | UAS

Ms. Ameilina - Country Manager for Indonesia, Management Development Institute of Singapore (MDIS)

Student Testimony : Surya Fajar - MA Design, LASALLE College of the Arts Singapore | UAS

LSBF Campus Tour 2024


Student Testimony : Tamarine Brisha Angwyn - BSc (Hons) Actuarial Science, Heriot-Watt University

Student Testimony: Kayla - BA (Hons) Fashion Design & Textile, LASALLE College of the Arts Singapore

Student Testimony : Omar Muhammad A - Design Communication, LASALLE College of the Arts Singapore

Student Testimony : Linita Rusli - BA Business Administration, Xi'an Jiaotong - Liverpool University

Mr. Amir Farhan - Education Consultant, Heriot-Watt University Malaysia

Student Testimony : Christopher Kevin - BSc (Hons) Statistical Data Science, Heriot-Watt University

Student Testimony : Clement Stefano H - BEng & MRes in Mechanical Engineering, UNNC

Student Testimony : Theafedra - BSc Information Management and Information Systems, XJTLU

Parent Testimony : Mr. Heri, Chelsea & Tamarine - Heriot-Watt University

Discover the School of Intelligent Finance and Business - XJTLU Entrepreneur College Taicang

Student Testimony : Jonathan Wiguna H - Bachelor of Design in Creative Media, Taylor's University

Student Testimony : Rionaldi Low - Finance, CUHK Shenzhen