Все публикации

Birthday greetings from IAS!

How to create chaos

My favourite K-theory fact

When do things go smoothly?

First floor of the K-theory space

Something from Nothing

It's suspense time!

The K-theory dream

The magic of group completion

From negative numbers to K-theory

What’s so cool about K-theory?

New video project is coming!

Live stream tomorrow 5 pm Paris time!

Interview with Jeremiah Heller and Vesna Stojanoska

When the balance gets broken

The beauty of math in personal examples

The oldest math institute in the world

New Year Q & A

Interview with Dhruv Ranganathan

'The Art and Craft of Problem Solving' by Paul Zeitz

Chat about math outreach with Olga Paris-Romaskevich

Live stream this Saturday at 5:30 CET!

Interview with Maria Chudnovsky

Asking my mum about math & life