Все публикации

EKG Artifacts

First Degree Heart Block

Second degree Heart Block Type 2

5 Potentially Dangerous Rhythms part 2

EKG Analysis: Second degree Heart Block Mobitz Type 1 Wenckebach

EKG Analysis: Second Degree Heart (AV) Block Mobitz Type 2

Complete Heart Block #cardiachealth #ecg #ekg #ecginterpretation #ecgtechnician #nursingschool

Ventricular fibrillation #cardiachealth #ecg #ecginterpretation #ekg #nursingschool

EKG Analysis: Idioventricular Rhythm

Common VTach rhythms https://youtu.be/uEYGT-f-8Xs

EKG Analysis: Second Degree Heart (AV) Block Mobitz Type 1 (Wenckebach)

How to measure the QRS complex

How to measure the PR interval

5 Dangerous and Lethal EKG Rhythms

EKG Analysis: Ventricular Fibrillation (VFib)

EKG Rhythm Analysis: Ventricular Tachycardia (VTach)

EKG Analysis: Third degree AV Block aka Complete Heart Block

EKG Rhythm Analysis: Atrial flutter

EKG Rhythm Analysis: Junctional rhythm

EKG Rhythm Analysis: Atrial fibrillation

EKG Rhythm Analysis: Multifocal Atrial Rhythm aka Wandering Atrial Pacemaker

How to analyze an EKG rhythm strip in 6 steps

Describing and measuring the QRS complex in an EKG rhythm strip

Identifying and Measuring the PR Interval in an EKG Rhythm Strip