Все публикации

Purifier part 3 MEO Class4 CLYDE

Purifier part 2 MEO class4 clyde

Purifier Part 1 MEO class4 clyde

MT Asphalt express diaries #marine#dream #engine

Engine emissions

Governor and control: Part 4

Governor and control :part 3

Governor and control : Part 2

Safeties in Main engine of ship

Problems during engine room watch Part 4

Problems during engine room watch Part 2

watch keeping and safety Handing over /taking over watch

ocean humpback whale bubble netting #marine #life #wow #dream

where two stroke engine's are born#marine #marvel #engineering #engine

Glimpse at morning #travel #shipcaptain #cruiseship #india

Last night Pilot came in rough weather #ship #captain #india #marine

Early morning when went to take sounding

Just came up at night anchorage at vishakapatanam #ship #marine #vibes #engineer

Tokyo Drift #marine #ship #vibes #india #tokyo #captain

waiting for my second sail old #memories #flashback #marine #ship #vibes #india

Our Place #azhikkal #marine #ship #vibes #kerala #india

wanderlust at sea #marine #ship #vibes

Dumping all #marine #ship #vibes

Beauty and the beast vessel #marine #ship #vibes