Все публикации

Enlighten Your Org - The 7 Dimensions of a Learning Organization

Defensive and Productive Reasoning - Navigating Bias in the Theory of Action

Augmenting Intelligence

The Tyranny of Metrics

Addressing Organizational Fractures

Fear is the Enemy (of Learning)

Hiring in the Current Market with Matt Simmons

The core conflict of DevOps - The 3 Economies

The dangerous power of Metrics and Incentives with Nathen Harvey and Sasha Rosenbaum

Building Platforms with Matt Butcher and Sasha Rosenbaum

A decade of DevOpsDays with Matty Stratton

Flow Engineering with Steve Pereira

Eduardo da Silva and Jabe Bloom - Emergent Platform and Evolution in SocioTechnical Systems

Value Driven Security - Avi Douglen + Sasha Rosenbaum

Barry O'reilly - Jabe Bloom : Platform Design

Anton Weiss - Jabe Bloom : Platform Design

Saim Safdar & Jabe Bloom : Platform Thinking

Charles Betz - Jabe Bloom : Platform Thinking

Mario Platt and Jabe Bloom Platform Design and Security

Matt Barcomb and Jabe Bloom : Platform Design Podcast

Into the Void: The Mythical Value of MTTR and Other Misguided Metrics w/ Courtney Nash

Domain Driven DevOps

Live Life, Make Art - Andrew & Nivia

The Wherefore Podcast : The Work Begins