Все публикации

Aetherdrift Makes Big Changes To MTG + Awful Commander Secret Lair

WOTC Announces MTG Commander Online Game - The End Of MTG Arena?

Hasbro Sued By Investors + MTG Foundation Problems

WOTC In Legal Trouble Over Art Theft Allegations + Serious Secret Lair Screwups

MTG Marvel Groot Secret Lair Has A Sneaky Mystery Inside

MTG Marvel Secret Lair Disaster + WOTC Breaks Promise About Universe Beyond

MTG Has Lost Its Mind - Standard Will Never Be The Same - MTG Foundations Is Out Of Control

Hasbro Revenue Crashes As MTG Struggles

MTG Emergency Banning + WOTCs New Plans For Commander Format

Awesome MTG Foundation Spoilers + Serious Duskmourn Problems

WOTC Tries To Legally Silence New Commander Rules Committee

MTG Abandons Pioneer Format + MTG Is Getting Crushed in Japan

MTG Foundations Leak + Incredible New Secret Lair

WOTC Desperately Defends Cash Grabs + MTG Commander Ban Drama Intensifies

Duskmourn Is A Massive Failure

MTG DISASTER - Entire Commander Rules Committee Quits In Protest - It Only Gets Worse From Here

Massive MTG Market Crash Disaster - Players Are Angrily Quitting Magic Forever

HUGE MTG MARVEL LEAK = Serious Legal Trouble

Chucky + Hatsune Miku Planeswalkers - MTG Secret Lair Weirdness

MTG Netflix Show Is Cancelled + Cartoon Ghostbusters MTG Secret Lair

Crazy Ghostbusters MTG Secret Lair

Duskmourn Is An Awful Confused Mess

MTG Has Gone Insane - Why Would They Do This?

MTG Has A Serious Identity Issue - Duskmourn Is Causing Confusion