Все публикации

ADL Wheelchair Leg Press Demonstration

Vestibular Series: Art Walk Exercise

Learn 4 Tips for Safely Training Balance at Home

ADL Wheelchair Leg Press: How to Use Foot Strap

ADL Wheelchair Leg Press: Lifting Capacity Exceeded

ADL Wheelchair Leg Press: How to Use Cinch Straps

ADL Wheelchair Leg Press: 2 Ways to Add Resistance

How to Set Up ADL Leg Press for Dips Exercise

How to Set Up ADL Wheelchair Leg Press - Weak Legs

How to Set Up ADL Wheelchair Leg Press

ADL Leg Press Testimonial

Example use of ADL Wheelchair Leg Press with Incomplete SCI

Best Balance Exercise Book for Professionals

How to Reduce Retropulsion

How to Improve Reaching & Rotating with Clock Yourself App

Reach Quicker and Stronger With This Exercise

Vestibular: Gait + Card Pass

Vestibular Series: Stop, Drop, & Roll

Vestibular Series: Gait & Gaze

Vestibular Series

Vestibular Series: Foam + Reading

Wall Offs: Exercise to Improve Hip Strategies & Balance

High - Low: Randomized Reaching Exercise

Gait Frames: Dynamic Balance Exercise