Все публикации

WHAT by Spu7Nix (Geometry Dash Level)

i recreated shrek in geometry dash

How I made HOW in Geometry Dash #shorts

I made a 3D game in Geometry Dash

14,000 People Build a Level

I made a 29 Object Rated Level in Geometry Dash

Generating Videos in Geometry Dash with Evolution

things people made with my GD programming language

Brainfugd by Spu7Nix (programming language in Geometry Dash)

Three 3D Animations in Geometry Dash

How I made HOW in Geometry Dash

How I Made a 3D Game in Geometry Dash

Dim by Spu7Nix (3D game in Geometry Dash)

How I made movies in Geometry Dash (tianxia and xolis)

Xolis by Spu7Nix (movie level)

What Tianxia looks like in the editor

Tianxia by Spu7Nix

Platonic by Spu7Nix

Cellular by Spu7Nix


Layer masking effect

wmc 28 2

Alive by Spu7Nix

Illucination by Spu7Nix