Все публикации

How to find largest number among √ 2 , 3⅓ , 6⅙

if a = 2 + √3 ; a² + a^-2 = ?

solve the equations a - b = 5 ; a³ - b³ = 335

How to solve exponential equation : 3 x^x = 3^(x + 10)

In right angle triangle tan A + tan B = ? if c² = 61 ; a b = 30 ; if a, b, c are sides.

How to find the remainder of x²⁰⁰ ÷ x² - 3 x + 2

Conversion of units as m³ into litres

5^(x - 3) = 8 , find the value of x ?

tan 23° - cot 23° = ?

How to solve Equations √(x/y) = 10/3 - √(y/x) ; x - y = 8

quantitative aptitude

How to solve logarithmic equation or y ?

How to find Mean & Standard deviation ?

find no. of real roots of (x +1)2 - 1 = 0

How to find variance of first 50 even natural numbers.

2^( x + 4 ) - 2^ ( x +2) = 3

2 * 3 = √13 ; 3 * 4 = 5 ; 5 * 12 = ?

How to solve exponential equation x^x = 3^(27 + 2 x) ?

How to find mean deviation about the median ?

a^m×a^n = a^mn ; m ( n -2 ) + n ( m - 2 ) = ?

How to find Arithmetic mean, Standard deviations, Variance & coefficient of variance ?

How to solve exponential equation 2^2^x = 16^2^3 x

How to find G. C.F. / H. C. F. of decimals 0.9, 0.36, 1.08

conversion of recurring decimals into fraction?