Все публикации

How to convert CT scan to 3D CAD Model

Convert Excel Chart into JPEG file #Excel #Short #chart

How to use Microscope in 4 minutes [Digital imaging] #microscope #nano #digital

Summary of the Playlist

Navier Stokes in Source Code #dealii #fem

Paraview Tutorial and Navier stokes equation in mesh generation

Time Discretization Advection and Diffusion

Change C++ Template for multidimensional result in Simulation#simulation #template #fem

Numerical analysis- Newton Method #fem #Numericals #Simulation

Change Source code for meshing #C++ #template #fem

Laplace solver by C++code #dealii #fem #laplace #C++

Simple Mesh Creation for Mesh Generation & Dealii

Building Block of a FEA code(Python Code)

Shape Function in Finite Element Analysis

Gaussian Quadrature formulas in FEA[Calculation of Area; Detect Point]

Export data from notepad to excel in 1min

CMAKE Tutorial-2 Clone GITHUB Repositories in UBUNTU and cmake the file

CMake tutorial-1

How to Install Oracle Virtual Box in Windows System and import Deal.ii in 5 Minutes

How to make Graph for Journal Paper in Excel in 1.5 min

Learn Post Processing of Tensile Test in GOM(DIC system) in 5 minutes

ThinkerCAD Circuit Design

Summarize your text in 30 seconds

GOM Software(2021) Practice Session