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PART 2 ✨ tirtir did something here… #tirtir #cushionfoundation

do yall see this!? TOP TIR TIR 👏🏾 👏🏾shade: 43N deep cocoa #tirtir

I Can’t Believe TikTok Said THIS… 🤯 | Forbes x WalMart Creator: Day 2

#browhack set brow hairs with setting powder after brushing them out with brow glue!

this honey combo did what it needed to do for my curls 🍯 #camillerose

Flip Over Method with Minimal Leave Out | This Wash N Go Lasted 2+ Weeks!!!

listen... i am flabbergasted 🤯 do you see what i am seeing? #curlsqueen

INSIDE SCOOP: Forbes Creator UpFronts Event… y’all is this REAL LIFE!?

wig WITHOUT leave out !? #braidout #twistout

4 hairstyles for fulani braids !

braids WITHOUT yaky hair!? #humanhairbraids #knotlessbraids

PART 2 🤯 okayyy I still don’t know if it’s a stand alone product or not but I’m SHOOK…

this product confused me at first… #danessamyricksbeauty #blurringbalmpowder

Trying Viral MUST-Have Products at Sephora! | Sephora Haul

my lips are STAINED 🤯 #sheglam

This Foundation is RIDICULOUS… Patrick Ta We Need To TALK!?

waitttt this is GLUE for your FACE!? #nyxcosmetics #nyx

I Did Bora Bora Braids without FAKE Hair… | LOW TENSION BRAIDS

Braid Out VS. 3 Strand Twist Out… Are They The Same Thing!? feat. HerGivenHair

wash day with ​⁠@fentyhair was magical 🫧🤍

miss @fentyhair girlllll ! do yall see the curls? 😭 which side is your fave? #fentyhair

please tell me yal not SLEEP on this…

miss @LauraMercierCosmetics you ATEEEE with this rose shade 👏🏾

leather duo! perfect fit for fall 🖤