Все публикации

Convert Binary number to Octal Number & Octal to Binary number with examples//Computer Science

Tricks to Convert Binary into Decimal number system & Decimal number to Binary number System

Types of Positional number system( Decimal,Binary,Octal & Hexadecimal number system ) with examples

Computer Number System and It's Types with Examples // Basic of computer science capsule

Derivative of (ax+b)/√x by defination method/first principle method (very Easy method) class-11

Derivatives full Concept ( By Defination method/ First principle)//class-11 one shot//

Derivatives by Defination method ( first principle) // important question//class-11 Ex-16.1

Derivatives of class 11 by First principle (Defination method) with full concept//in one shot

Derivatives of class 11 by Defination method( first principle) with full concept// lec-2

Lec-2 Leibnitz's Theorem in details with important examples//calculus

Lec-1 Leibnitz's Theorem Full Explain with examples//Bsc.Math//Engineering Calculus

If the equation x^2+2(k+2)x+9k=0 has equal roots,find value of 'k' ?

Order and Degree of Differential Equations /( short trick ) calculus-1/ Class-12

Lec-06: Bernoulli's Equation (Calculus-I) Engineering Mathematic/BSc 1st yr/Class-12

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March 27, 2024

Composition of Good Brick//Composition of Brick(Building Material)

Derivative of √tanx by first principle//(short trick)

Classification of Lime(Fat Lime,Hyrdaulic Lime,Poor Lime)//with main Points..

Prove that the linw lx+my+n=0 will touch parabola y^2=4ax,If nl=am^2

Parabola (3 VIP Questions)//CTEVT(2074/2073/2072 R/B)

If the Quadratic equation ax^2+bx+c=0 & bx^2+cx+a=0 have common root,then prove that a+b+c=0 //a=b=c

If the roots of ax^2+bx+c=0 be in the ratio 3:4 prove that, 12b^2=49ac

If the roots of the equation ax^2+cx+c=0 be in the ratio m:n,prove that,√m/n+√n/m+√c/a=0