Все публикации


How the Treaty of Tordesillas Divided the World

The Arian Heresy Explained

The Sack of Rome and the End of the Renaissance

Leonora Piper, Spiritualist Medium

King Egbert and the English Heptarchy

The Escape of the Duke of York | A Tale from the English Civil War

The Repeal of the Corn Laws and Why It Matters

The Acadian Exile

Mary, Queen of Scots and the Casket Letters

The Geuzen and the Birth of Dutch Independence

The Tragedy of Eleanor, Duchess of Gloucester

Flora MacDonald and Bonnie Prince Charlie

Andreas Hofer and the Tyrolean Rebellion

Emmeline Pankhurst and Votes for English Women


The Spanish Match

The Legend of Hengist and Horsa

Charles Stewart Parnell, Irish Patriot

Marino Faliero, Doge of Venice

Addison, Steele and the Beginning of Journalism

The Oneida Commune

What Was the Field of the Cloth of Gold?

Gibbon's History of the Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire