Все публикации

MALIBOO: When Machine Learning meets Bayesian Optimization

Deriving a Realistic Workload Model to Simulate High-Volume Financial Data Feeds for Benchmarking

DEBS 2022 - Grand Challenge Track - DEBS Grand Challenge: Analysis of Market Data with Noir

RStream: Simple and Efficient Batch and Stream Processing at Scale

TESLA: a formally defined event specification language (Test of Time Award)

Temporal Pattern Recognition in Graph Data Structures

Advancing Design and Runtime Management of AI Applications with AI-SPRINT

Model-Driven Development of Formally Verified Human-Robot Interactions

PuRSUE-from specification of robotic environments to synthesis of controllers

Teaching Formal Methods to Software Engineers through Collaborative Learning

Model-Checking Structured Context-Free Languages (Extended)

Model-Checking Structured Context-Free Languages (Teaser)

Experimenting with Discrete Time Quantum Walk

A Practical Approach to Verification of Floating-Point C/C++ Programs with math.h/cmath Functions

Generalizing an Exactly-1 SAT Solver for Arbitrary Numbers of Variables, Clauses, and K