Все публикации

Blender Challenge: Gaming PC 4: CPU

Y10 Computer Science 21st Nov P11

Y10 Computer Science 18th Nov P10

Blender Challenge: Gaming PC 3: RAM

Year 10 CS Tue 13th November CT10

Blender Challenge: Gaming PC 2: Motherboard

Y10 Computer Science 23rd October P8 Logical shifts

Y10 Computer Science: 21st October CT8 - relational operators

Blender Challenge: Gaming PC 1: Case

Y10 Computer Science HT2 P2: Addition with negative numbers

AI Machine Learning Image Classification in C#: part 2

Year 10 Computer Science: P7

AI Machine Learning Image Classification in C#: part 1

Y10 Computer Science 25th Sep P4

Careers in Computing: Game Engine Developer

Y10 Computer Science 16th Sep CT2

Blender Challenge: Growing sunflower animation

Blender Challenge: 3d painting textures

Blender Challenge: model a humanoid character

Careers in Computing: Data Scientist

Blender Challenge: model a retro computer

Fulford STEM Club Lego Orchestra

AstroPi Competition: write code that displays a picture on the International Space Station

Blender Challenge: Animated lighting