Все публикации

L-18, Phonon Momentum, Inelastic Scattering by Phonons

L-17, Quantisation of Elastic Waves, Vibration of Crystal in Monoatomic and Diatomic Lattice

L-16, Elastic Waves in 110 Direction

L-15, Elastic Waves in Cubic Crystal, Waves in 100 Direction

L-13, Elastic Stiffness Constants for Cubic crystals

L-14, Bulk Modulus and Compressibility

L-12, Elastic Energy Density

L-11, Elastic Compliance and Stiffness Constants

L-9, Analysis of Strain

L-10, Stress Components

L-8, De Haas Van Alfen effect

L-7, Quantisation of Orbits in Magnetic Field

L-6, Construction of Fermi Surface

L-5,Fermi Surfaces, Various Schemes of Construction of Fermi Surfaces

L-3, Wave Equation of Electron in Periodic Potential, Bloch Functions, Kronig Penny Model

L-4, Number of Orbitals in a Band

L-2, Origin and Magnitude of Energy Gap

L-1, Nearly Free Electron Model