Все публикации

The Amino Acids

Introduction to Bio 1101 Microscopes and How to Use Them

Fermented Foods Lab Introduction

Starfish Development, Early Cleavage through Gastrulation through Early Bipinnaria Larva

Focusing in on a Banana

Focusing in on my Cheek Cells

Focusing in on a Potato

Focusing in on a Red Pepper

Focusing in on Elodea

The Ohio State University Mansfield Campus Trees with map

Steve Abedon's 2018 OSU Practice Promition Talk

Ten Years Ago DNA Sequencing Was Less Ubiquitous

Separation of Macromolecules Using Gels, Blotting, and Probing

Shuttle Vectors

What is Molecular Microbiology?

Control of Microbial Growth, Exponential Death

Control of Microbial Growth, General Principles (Introduction)

Measuring Microbial Growth

Exponents, Units of Length, and Microbiology

Chemistry's Importance in Microbiology

My Perhaps Naïve Take on the Concept of Microbiome

Robots and Spontaneous Generation

Dough Ball Experiment Conclusion

Brief Consideration of Bacteriophage Diversity