Все публикации

Huge jet eruption from NW travelled over 500,000km towards the NE - 30.5.23

This region has gotten more active as it turn away from the Earth -30.5.23

Plasma couldn't ejected from the Sun's southwestern rim tonight - 29.5.23

Plasma couldn't ejected from the Sun's southwestern rim tonight - 29.5.23

New sunspot on NE limb. The spot in not large (about the size of the Earth 28/29.5.23

SDO AIA 211A. Temp.1,999,726C. 28.5.23

Sunspot movie, SDO HMI Optical light. Te=5326 C. Losing several large regions over the Wlimb-28.5.23

large eruption of East limb of the Sun causes CME - 27.5.23

Gorgeous solar eruption from East limp of the Sun causes a CME, about 220,000km long - 27.5.23

Gorgeous solar eruption from East limp of the Sun causes a CME, 220,000 km long- 27.5.23

High-Latitude Coronal Hole (CH): A small CH is visible in the NW (the dark area upper right) 27.5.23

20 years since the perihelion of SOHO-614 (right) and its fainter companion SOHO-615 (left)-24.5.03

Naked-eye sunspot. Large enough to be seen without a 🔭 using solar eclipse glasses - 23.5.23

CME -eruption off the N. limb. 22.5.23

CME and Pleiades cluster - 22.5.23

Sunspots from east limb - 19/22.5.23

Solar plasma eruption - 22.5.23

Minor to Moderate geomagnetic storm during the past 6h due to an enhanced solar wind. - 21/22.5.23

Minor to Moderate geomagnetic storm during the past 6h due to an enhanced solar wind. - 21/22.5.23

Solar eclipse with Moon in front of the Sun from SDO, AIA 304 - 21.5.23

Solar eclipse with Moon in front of the Sun from SDO, AIA 193 - 21.5.23

Filament eruption - 19.5.23

Filament eruption - 19.5.23

Filament activity - 19.5.23