Все публикации

LLMs | Quantization, Pruning & Distillation | Lec 14.2

LLMs | Parameter Efficient Fine-Tuning (PEFT) | Lec 14.1

LLMs | Alignment of Language Models: Contrastive Learning | Lec 13.3

LLMs | Alignment of Language Models: Reward Maximization-II | Lec 13.2

LLMs | Alignment of Language Models: Reward Maximization-I | Lec 13.1

LLMs | Instruction Tuning | Lec 12.2

LLMs | Pre-training of Causal LMs and In-context Learning | Lec 12.1

LLMs | Scaling Laws | Lec 11

LLMs | Mixture of Experts(MoE) - II | Lec 10.2

LLMs | Mixture of Experts(MoE) - I | Lec 10.1

LLMs | Tokenization Strategies | Lec 9

LLMs | Advanced Attention Mechanisms-II | Lec 8.2

LLMs | Advanced Attention Mechanisms-I | Lec 8.1

LLMs | Pre-training Strategies | ELMo & BERT | Lec 7

LLMs | Intro to Transformer: Positional Encoding and Layer Normalization | Lec 6.2

LLMs | Introduction to Transformer: Self & Multi-Head Attention | Lec 6.1

LLMs | Neural Language Models: Seq2Seq and Attention | Lec 5.3

LLMs | Neural Language Models: LSTM and GRU | Lec 5.2

LLMs | Neural Language Models: RNNs | Lec 5.1

ACL 2024 | Language Models can Exploit Cross-Task In-context Learning for Data-Scarce Novel Tasks

EACL 2024 | Probing Critical Learning Dynamics of PLMs | Hate Speech Detection

EACL 2024 | Tox-BART: Leveraging Toxicity Attributes for Explanation Generation | Hate Speech

ACL 2024 | MemeMQA: Multimodal Question Answering for Memes | Rationale-Based Inferencing

LLMs | Word Representation: GloVe | Lec 4.2