Все публикации

Weird aura and almost time for my next cluster of seizures.

Social Security Disability Hearing for epilepsy appeal with a judge!!

Disability hearing video coming soon. #epilepsyseizure #seizure #epilepsy

Social security disability hearing time!! #epilepsyseizure #seizures #socialsecurity

Finding out today!!! #epilepsyseizure #epilepsywarrior #seizure #seizures

Allergic reaction to epilepsy seizure medication!!

**TRIGGER WARNING** Seizure at my son’s soccer game!

Seizure in public. #epilepsy #seizure #epilepsywarrior #seizures

“Alice in Wonderland hands” syndrome. #epilepsywarrior #epilepsy #seizures #seizure

Social security disability appeal process video?? #epilepsy #epilepsywarrior #seizures

Are my epilepsy seizures finally controlled??

Seizure and epilepsy last resort… #epilepsy #seizures #seizure

**TRIGGER WARNING** Seizure that affects my vision. (Originates in my occipital lobe.)

Seizure I had was completely different from my others!!!

How I communicate with my epilepsy doctor via app.

Hormone levels affecting seizures?!?!

**TRIGGER WARNING** Rare Aura only seizure!!

**TRIGGER WARNING** Seizure with spasms and phases explained.

No longer seizure free. (Tonic clonic)

What to do when your child is having a seizure. (And after)

Paradise still being good to my seizures?

Seizure in paradise? #seizures #epilepsy

**TRIGGER WARNING** Focal aware seizure with commentary/ explanation.

**TRIGGER WARNING** Clips of my seizures with medication changes throughout the years.