Все публикации

openball in discrete metric space

Examples of openball

Openball in a plane by maximum metric

Open ball in a plane

Example of Open ball in R^2

Open ball in Metric space

Inequality on distance between a point and a set

Is the power set of metric space is Metric space

Example on diameter of a set

If the intersection of two subsets is non-empty then d(A,B)=0

Distance between an element and a subset,between two subsets of metric space and diameter of a set

Inequality in metric space

The set of bounded functions

Product of Metric Spaces

Sequence Space

Function space

R^n is Metric space

Minkowski inquality

Graphs of metric on R^2

Caushy Schwartz inequality

Further Examples on R^2

Descrite Metric space

R^2 is Metric space

Definition of Metric Space