Все публикации

Hamiltonian graphs: Dirac's theorem

Dominating set (graph theory)

7 bridges of Konigsberg

Graph isomorphisms of cycle graph C3

Opening graph theory: simple graphs, complete graphs, Ramsey number example

Local minimum, maximum, saddle points of a multivariable function

Finding the variation of parameters formula for a 2nd order inhomogenous ODE

Infinite product convergent value

Volume with a double integral (day of 3 years' Mathematiker anniversary)

Group of 3 elements must be abelian

When are two elements in G conjugate

Proving for f and abelian G: f from G to G is a homomorphism

Centroid of an area between functions

General and special linear group

Introduction to the general orthogonal group and orthogonal matrix's main property

Rank Nullity theorem shown by 2 examples

Gram-Schmidt process example

Diagonalizing a matrix

Root test regarding convergence

Alternating series test examples

Limit comparison test

Comparison test for series

Telescoping series convergence

Determining whether the infinite series with argument (2^k)/k! converges using the ratio test