Все публикации

when your friend doesn’t laugh at the video

when you hear the teacher say “take out the homework”

pov: the girl he lost

me pretending i’m a youtuber while doing something

when your friend says “i’ll tell you later”

when my long distance friends post with their other friends

me 5 minutes after saying i study better with music

my teacher said a bad word

pov you mispronounce a word and your friend can’t let it go

pov: that one friend who won’t let you be delusional

can i have a piece of your love

you’re so good at staying up incredibly late and barely sleeping

pov: when that one friend who never swears says a bad word

pov: when i tell people i’m hungry but they don’t understand how serious it is

when it’s the first day of school and the teacher is already making you do assignments

“showers should only take 5 minutes”

don’t study anymore. just believe in yourself!

when someone thinks i’m shy or boring but i just don’t like them

that friend who gets angrier at the situation than you do

pov me chilling and then randomly getting a pain in my side

me when i wanna finish my homework but it finish me instead

me choosing peace and submitting a bad assignment instead of working on it more

pov: that one guy all over your fyp

me after they did exactly what i was overthinking about