Все публикации

My luck this year

You Can Get a Snow Globe for FREE!

Spending 1.500.000 FREE XP on SNOW GLOBE! - Worth it?

Gravity Part 465


Did you play WOTB all night?

Let's race! #wotblitz #lighttank

Premium Tier X Guaranteed! - Alpha Predator Draw

Better Than WOTB?!! - MWT Tank Battles

Eat my 1000lb #warthunder #gaijin

A Tank Inside Mystery Box?!! - Opening x58 Containers

The Overpowered French?! - Somua SM

How to Exchange your Credits into GOLD! - Wot Blitz

Watch your jet @BlueZpotGaming #warthunder #gaijin

I Spent 200.000.000 Credit on Blacksmith Forge and This What I got..


Spending 35.000 GOLD on Mega Container! - Worst Gacha Ever?

☠️☠️☠️ #wotblitz

Both nostalgic and suffering #wot #wotblitz #warthunder

The King Tiger Story

Shericopter - Big Boss

Spending 4.000.000 FREE XP on Sand Globe Gacha!

EZ 😎 #warthunder #shermantank

My First GACHA in War Thunder, and this happen..