Все публикации

Che tempo fa? ELi Edizioni

Il gioco delle indicazioni stradali ELi Edizioni

Il gioco del quartetto ELi Edizioni

Hello! How are you What do you do in your free time by Jane Cadwallader,

The Great Verb Game

The Quartet game: ELi Publishing language game

The directions game: ELi Publishing language game

WHAT’S THE WEATHER LIKE? ELi Publishing language game A2/B1

Building Wellbeing with Young Learners by Nina Lauder

Young Learners Exams Say it! Hear it! by Jane Ritter

Unlocking the Magic of Learning Harnessing the Power of Storytelling by Vanessa Reis

Boost your Students' Productivity Promoting Productive Skills by André Hedlund,

Nel mondo l'italiano a scuola è con ELi Edizioni!

Rumbledumble and the Storm

Harriet Holmes snd the Pirate Treasure

Le vacances de Capucine

The Flower Fairies

Kathi am Strand

Katies Happy Holiday


Rocket book

Nonna Rosa e i videogiochi