Все публикации

Sample size for pilot cluster trials

Interpreting Confidence Intervals

S4b Sample size and power for cluster randomised trial

S3b Randomization methods in CRTs

S3b Randomisation approaches for cluster trials

S3a Design based considerations in CRTs

S6 c Estimation of ICCs

S2 d Desgin justification in stepped-wedge cluster randomised trials

S2 c Risk of Bias in stepped-wedge cluster randomised trials

S2 a Risk of Bias in parallel cluster randomised trials

S2 b Design justification: when to use a cluster randomised trial

S1d Introduction to the stepped-wedge cluster randomised trial

Stepped wedge cluster randomised trials?

S1c Introduction to multiple period cluster randomised trials

S1b Introduction to statistical implications of clustering

S1a Introduction to Cluster Randomised Trials