Все публикации

Case Histories of Impacts of Natural Chemical & Microbiologic Processes in Geotechnical Engineering

Microplastics Derived from Fossil Fuel-Based Sources - Fate, Transport, and Its Greener Alternatives

Microbial-mineralization in Soil: Applications in Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineering

Enhanced Containment Performance of Innovative Vertical Barriers

Geonaturals for Sustainable Infrastructure and Disaster Risk Reduction

Geotechnical Characterization and Stabilization of Organic Soils using the MICP

The Many Faces of HDPE Geomembranes and the Effect on the Service Life

Energy GeoScience and Engineering

Plants as Bio-sentinels: Mother Nature Can Tell Us a Lot!

NAPL Spills: Transport, Transformation and Remediation

Can Microbes Solve Civil Engineering Problems? Green Energy, Biocementation & Bioremediation

Climate Change - Challenges Ahead for Geotechnical and Geoenvironmental Engineers

An Overview of Life Cycle Assessment Relative to Use of Recycled Materials in Highway Construction

BOF and EAF Steel Slags: Properties, Challenges and Applications

The Role of Remote Sensing in Monitoring Critical Infrastructure to Prevent Environmental Disasters

Soil Particle-Fluid Interaction on NAPL Displacement in Porous Media

Thermal Energy in Soils: Resource, Waste, or Tool?

Landslide Mitigation of Urbanized Slopes for Sustainable Growth: Recent Developments

Multiscale Sensing and Simulations for Soil Erosion and Georisk Mitigation

PFAS or Forever Chemicals: Treatment Challenges and Opportunities

Marginal Soils: Geoenvironmental Challenges and Opportunities

Novel Mitigation Techniques for Earthquake and Tsunami-induced Geo-Disaster

Uncharacteristic Swell in Soils due to Contamination: Failures and Remedial Measures

Expanding the Realm of Environmental Geotechnology: The Limitations & Possibilities