Все публикации

Manual stretch of long wrist flexors

Manual stretch of long wrist extensors

Muscle length of long wrist flexors

Muscle length of long wrist extensors

Traction of digits

Traction of carpals to wrist

Tinels test

Thumb Carpal MC traction

STM of wrist, hand muscles

Reverse Phalens test

Phalens test

Palmar,dorsal glide of carpals on wrist

Palmar glide of scaphoid on radius

Mobilization of distal radioulnar joint

Mobility testing aroung lunate

MMT of wrist

MMT of fingers

Manual resistive exercise of the wrist hand

Joint mobilization of palmar glide of capitate on lunate

Joint mobility around capitate

Joint mob testing of scaphoid radius

Intercarpal gliding

Dorsal glide of capitate on lunate

Distal radioulnar joint mobility