Все публикации

#solar #solar_charge_controller

Thermal printer unboxing

Arduino voltage reading from 10K pot and displaying it on LCD

Arduino Analog read serial from Potentiometer in Proteus

Simulating Arduino in Proteus

ARM LPC2138 ADC and 10K pot

PIC16F877A and LCD interface 16x2

ARM LPC2138 DC Motor and Pushbutton interface

UART communication with PIC16F877A and computer via USB to TTl converter

Make a simple OS using C# and COSMOS

ARM LPC2138 LCD interface

ARM LPC2138 Pushbuttons and LED's interfacing

PIC 16F877A microcontroller and Pushbutton

ATmega32A ADC

ATmega32A UART transceiving

ATmega32A and Keypad - password lock

ATmega32A and DC motors

ATmega32 and LCD

ATmega32A pushbuttons and LEDs

PIC16F877A blink an LED with PICKit 3

Atmega32A controlling LED using a push button

PIC18F4580 UART simplex communication

PIC18F4580 pushbutton port blinking

PIC18F4580 controlling DC motor using POT through ADC