Все публикации

How to model and extend traditional systems with Eventmodeling

GDPR and Eventsourcing PT1 - Why you can´t afford not to use Eventmodeling

Design & Prototype Software Systems in minutes using Eventmodeling

Das ist unser Prozess für Softwareprojekte

eventsourcing basics

Actor & Actor Lanes

Aggregates in Miro Eventmodeling definieren

State View & State Change

Eventmodeling Plugin Tutorial Video

Eventmodeling Patterns Automations

Miro explanatino video

Information Completeness Check

Axon & Beanvalidation

Modeling Automations

Fundament für erfolgreiche Softwareprojekte - Kleine Arbeitspakete

Transactional Outbox Table für Microservices

Eventmodeling Tipps - how to understand the data trail ( that´s one of the coolest features )

Eventmodeling Tipps - Build Prototypes in minutes (using Eventmodeling)

Eventmodeling Tipps - Processor TODO List Pattern (and how to prevent complex Sagas)

7-Schritte für erfolgreiche Softwareprojekte

Axon Framework - Lauffähige Software mit Axon in 5 Minuten

Eventsourcing + Code - Validierung

Eventsourcing + Code - Wie werden Commands implementiert?

Eventsourcing im Browser?