Все публикации

Speech on Bill C-332

Question Period: Housing

Speech on Bill S-210

Response Bill S-210

HUMA Meeting - Questions to the Minister on Canada Summer Jobs

Who is the Conservative Leader? #Pierre4PM

CIVIX Interview with Karen Vecchio

2023 06 20 Food Bank Usage

Speech on Bill C-35

2023 06 06 SO31 Isobel Cup

20230512 Question Period

2023 04 25 Budget Speech

2023 02 16 Petition Iran

Statement on Former MP Ken Monteith

2023 02 01 SO31 Violent Crime

2023 01 30 Bill C 35 Speech

2022 12 13 Statement on Bill C-21

2022 National Day of Remembrance and Action on Violence Against Women

2022-11-30 Debate Bill C-29

2022 11 23 Statement on Carbon Tax

November 4 2022 Question Period Cost of Living

2022 10 27 SO31 Breast Cancer Awareness

2022 10 20 Take Note Debate Mental Health

2022 10 18 Debate Bill C 31