Все публикации

Muslimas ask serious questions about Christianity

Muslim man hears about the Lamb of God

Buddha said 'Follow this path' while Jesus said 'I am the path.'

Does baptism and good works help me receive forgiveness? Evangelism encounter

Muslim Evangelism Part 3 - The Key to Jannah is the blood Sacrifice

Muslim Evangelism Part 2- The Sacrifice of Abraham

Intro to Muslim Evangelism- The Universal Muslim Greeting

What does the New Testament say about the Messiah? Christology Part 2 (Ep. 33)

The person and work of Jesus Christ (Christology Part 1) EP. 32

What is Please Tell Me The Truth Ministries?

Let's tell others about Jesus!

Explaining the Blessed Trinity to a Muslim only from the Old Testament

What is glorification? (The final stage of salvation) Ep. 31

How to effectively witness to Hindus (Bridge-Building Apologetics)

Hinduism part 1- Gnana Marga

The NUMBER 1 objection to Christianity answered

What is sanctification and growing in Christ-likeness? Ep. 30

What is the New Birth or Being Born Again? Ep. 29

What is salvation? Justification by faith Ep. 28

What are we saved from? (The Blessings of Salvation in Christ) Ep. 27

What is salvation? Discipleship episode 26

How to witness to a Hare Krishna devotee

What is theology and why does it matter? -Ep. 25

How do I use Bible study tools and methods for the glory of God? Ep. 24