Все публикации

Бесплатная Easy Trace 8.65. Оцифровка полигонов сельхозугодий. Часть 2

Бесплатная Easy Trace 8.65. Оцифровка полигонов сельхозугодий. Часть 1.

Обучение группы слушателей. Дивногорский учебный центр

Topology Correction utility - exhibition of abilities

Imagery decoding for address plan forming

Exact image correction based on all cells of the grid in a topographic map

Examples of different materials auto digitization

Space photos from WEB for data actualization

Аssemblage of large mosaic coverages

Image georeferencing without correction

Quick digitizing of rectangular contours

Extraction of the 'Black' image and automatic digitizing of the grid

Automatic extraction of orthogonal objects in 1 :500 and 1:2000 maps

Automatic digitizing of polygons in a 'dirty' image

Relief image extraction

Automatic digitizing of relief

Vectorizing of 'stuck together' contour lines in Easy Trace 7.99

Easy Trace Pro operating environment

Relief image extraction from overcompressed JPG files in Easy Trace 7.99

Automatic recognition of point objects

Quick input of points in the Autoscale mode

Topographical maps. Vectorizing of small orthogonal objects

Automatic digitizing of dotted lines

Automatic digitizing of swamps