Все публикации

Simple linear regression in Stata

Export results to Excel® using Stata

Tables Builder in Stata, part 4: Removing rows and columns

Treatment effects in Stata: Heterogeneous difference in differences

Treatment effects in Stata: Difference in differences (DID)

Wald tests in Stata

Treatment effects in Stata: Matching estimators

Treatment effects in Stata: AIPW and IPWRA

Likelihood-ratio tests in Stata

Tables Builder in Stata, part 2: Specifying layout

Tables Builder in Stata, part 1: Introduction

Tables Builder in Stata, part 3: How to transpose or split a table

How to display text and calculations using Stata 18

Treatment effects in Stata: Regression adjustment

Treatment effects in Stata: Inverse-probability weighting

How to graph functions using Stata 18

Tour of treatment-effects estimators in Stata

Import datasets from the Internet into Stata

Import SAS datasets into Stata

Input simple datasets into Stata

Import Excel® data into Stata

New in Stata 18: Lasso for Cox proportional hazards models

What's new in Stata 18: An overview

New in Stata 18: Meta-analysis for prevalence