Все публикации

Water surface tension experiment

Cloud chamber - invisible radiation ionisation tracks are visible - background radiation

How to calculate the vector cross product

Stirling Engine

Bisection Method #2 : a numerical method to find the maximum of a function f(x)

Newton Raphson Method: a numerical method to find the roots of functions where f(x)=0

Bisection Method #1 : a numerical method to find x where f(x) = 0

Linear Stability Analysis 2 - Iterative Maps with one variable and Lyapunov Stability Constant

Linear Stability Analysis 1 - differential equations with one independent variable

Introduction to Programming in C - part 12 - loops - for while do...while

Introduction to Programming in C - part 11 - decisions with 'if' and logical tests

Introduction to Programming in C - part 10 - unusual math/maths functions e.g. ++ -- += *=

Introduction to Programming in C - part 9 - math.h - sin, cos, pow, sqrt functions

Introduction to Programming in C - part 8 - Casting - math/maths with int and double

Introduction to Programming in C - part 7 - real number math / maths - double

Introduction to Programming in C - part 6 - integer math / maths - int

Introduction to Programming in C - part 5 - Saving data to file and reading in again

Introduction to Programming in C - part 4 - Scanf - keyboard data entry to variables

Introduction to Programming in C - part 3 - int and double variables - printing variables to screen

Welcome to the channel......

Introduction to Programming in C - part 2 - Variables

Introduction to programming in C - part 1 - Hello Word

How to calculate symmetries of vibrational normal modes - part 3 - (example water H2O)

How to calculate symmetries of vibrational normal modes - part 2 - (example water H2O)