Все публикации

Sample Variance: Why the (n-1)? Understanding Bessel's Correction

Real World Demand and Supply

Saving locally with MS Office Apps

Identify Points in R Scatterplot: Stupid R Tricks!

Do Calculus in R: Stupid R Tricks!

Short Excel 9: Graph Tips: Add a blank space before a histogram

Is my data Normally Distributed? Probably not! Statistics, qqplots, and Histograms.

Short Excel 8: Vlookup Hlookup

Short Excel 7: If, AND, OR, NOT, and Ifs Commands

Short Excel 6: Combo Chart, Two Graphs in One!

Short Excel 5: Advanced Filtering

Short Excel 4: Filtering

Short Excel 3: Sorting Data

Short Excel 2: Named Ranges

Short Excel 1: Cells, Ranges, and Formulas

Graphing equations for supply and demand: Getting to know the economics graph

Excel: Using Database Functions and Named Ranges

The Midpoint Formula for Elasticity *Microeconomics*

Basic Financial Math 3: Bonds and Mortgages #See Video Description

Basic Financial Math 2: Annuities and Perpetuities

Basic Financial Math 1: Present Values, Compounding, Rule of 72

Income & Substitution Effects, Compensating Variation: Price Decrease

Intermediate Microeconomics Math Review: Working with Exponents

Intermediate Microeconomics Math Review: Graphing and Using Lines