Все публикации

Creating something from nothing using NLP, Nir Regev, Machine learning Group Lead @ Tikal [Hebrew]

Creating something from nothing using NLP, Matityahu Sarafzadeh, Data Scientist TL@ Soluto [English]

From Candidate to Valuable, Orly Shuster, Senior Product Manager @ Soluto [Hebrew]

From Candidate to Valuable , Erez Naveh VP Product @ Bright Data

Soluto's Referral Campaign Song

A glimpse to Soluto

Case study: Hibob & UX Writing Hub design and writing collaboration

Content design in Israel: together we're better by Dan Wolfsmith, Content designer @ Microsoft

Getting hired as a UX Writer or Content Designer- Tips by Yuval Keshtcher, Founder @ UX Writing Hub

UX writing and design systems: The ultimate mashup by Carmel Scharf, Senior UX Writer @ Soluto

Web Accessibility 101: The Basics by Lihi Bechor, Development Team Lead at Soluto

The State of Observability, Michael Haberman, CTO & Co-Founder, Aspecto

Differentiators in CI Systems, Gil Bahat, DevOps Team Lead

Practical Canary Releases in Kubernetes with Argo Rollouts, Sari Alalem, Senior Software Engineer

How to create a culture of public speaking? [Hebrew]

Stakeholder engagement & management [Hebrew]

Why do you need a product strategy [Hebrew]

LGBT+ & Hi-tech: Is it really all sunshine and rainbows? [Hebrew]

DevSecOps: Continuously Hacking Your App [Hebrew]

Mutation Testing Patterns [Hebrew]

Tech in an aging society - challenges and opportunities [Hebrew]

Solving trust issues at scale (AppSec Cali 2020)

Two sides to coin: how to write to two target audiences in the same product