Все публикации

The Top 5 Tips To Thrive In Corporate Tech with Dan Westley - EP40: Tech World Human Skills Podcast

Planning Your Cloud Career Journey with Prasad Rao EP39: The Tech World Humans Skills Podcast

How To Explain Really Complicated Things with Viktor Farcic EP37: Tech World Humans Skills

Funding Startups and Scaleups 101 with Leke Sholuade EP37: The Tech World Humans Skills Podcast

Getting Involved In The Tech Community with Ethan Sumner EP36: The Tech World Humans Skills Podcast

Could Apprenticeships Solve The Digital Skills Gap? with Luke Smith - EP35

How To Thrive Whilst Working Remotely with Lisette Sutherland EP34:Tech World Human Skills Podcast

A Better Way To Estimate with Jason C. McDonald - EP33: The Tech World Humans Skills Podcast

Using Personas To Be More Successful With Stakeholders - Alex Stuart EP32 Tech World Humans Skills

Questions with Ben Caird EP31 - The Tech World Humans Skills Podcast

Learning Lots Fast with Whitney Lee EP30: The Tech World Human Skills Podcast

Technical Mentoring with Jeff Stokes EP29: The Tech World Human Skills Podcast

6 Tips To Drive Action With Customers with Maddie Suppon EP27:The Tech World Human Skills Podcast

The Reality Of Life As A Digital Nomad with Evie Brockwell EP27: The Tech World Human Skills Podcast

Be A Person Not A Personal Brand with Scott Hanselman EP26: The Tech World Human Skills Podcast

Do This Experiment With Me And It Will Change The Way You Present Forever.

Presenting: Don't be unrememberable!

Optimism: Be Happier, Healthier and More Successful.

Everyone Can Learn Gravitas

Dealing With A Difficult Audience Member In Presentations

Techies: How To Influence Business People

Top Tips for Tech Interviews. Breath and Relax. Tip 8/8

Top Tips for Tech Interviews. Ask Questions. Tip 7/8

Top Tips for Tech Interviews. Prepare For The Nasty Questions. Tip 6/8