Все публикации

Understanding Abnormal Uterine Bleeding (AUB) PALM & COEIN: #PALMCOEIN #AUB #WomensHealth

What is ovarian hyper-stimulation syndrome? #ivf

Bleeding After Sex: Don't Ignore the Signs #intercourse #bleeding

When to take an I-pill? 💊#contraceptive #ipill #emergencycontraceptive

Retained Placenta | Obstetric Hemorrhage & Emergencies | @medicinedecoded. Dr Shonali Chandra

Trying to get pregnant and stressing over a low AMH report? #pregnant #infertility #fertility #ahm

Primary Vs Secondary Dysmenorrhea @medicinedecoded. #periodpain #cramps #menstrualcramps

DAY 2 | OBS-GYNE WRAP UP, MCQ Based Discussion Dr Shonali Chandra @medicinedecoded.

OBS-GYNE WRAP UP, MCQ Based Discussion Dr Shonali Chandra @medicinedecoded.

LIVE OBS-GYNE WRAP UP, MCQ Based Discussion for NEET PG June 2024 | 1st-2nd June @ 7:00 PM #neetpg

When is the Right time to get HPV Vaccination? @medicinedecoded. #hpv #vaccination

Cardinal movements of breech vaginal delivery by Dr. Shonali Chandra | OBS-GYN Residency

PELVIC GRIP (4th Leopold manoeuver) @medicynedecoded. #laborroom #clinicalpractice

PAWLICK GRIP (3rd Leopold manoeuvre) @medicynedecoded. #laborroom #clinicalpractice

Symphysiofundal Height @medicinedecoded. #fundalheight #laborroom #clinicalpractice

Checking Fundal Height @medicinedecoded. #fundalheight #laborroom #clinicalpractice

Obstetric Examination of a Woman in Labor | Dr. Shonali Chandra | Medicine Decoded

Dealing with Differential Diagnosis @medicinedecoded. #differentialdiagnosis

Make your own notes! @medicinedecoded. #notesmaking #artofnotesmaking

Go back to Basics | How to read Clinical Subject @medicinedecoded. #clinical #basics

When to suspect CPD @medicinedecoded.

Is the IID adequate? @medicinedecoded. #labour #pelvicassessment

Measuring the Diagonal Conjugate @medicinedecoded. #diagonalconjugate

Dr. Shonali Chandra, Faculty for OBS-GYN Residency at PrepLadder