Все публикации

Song of Despair: The Lord of Frenzied Flame (from 'Elden Ring')

The Heart To Defy Destiny: With Heavy Heart - Road to Corel (From 'Final Fantasy VII Rebirth')...

Autumn ~ Beauty of the Northern Village ~

Summer ~ The Coastal Road ~

Coral Overdrive: Contact With You (From 'Armored Core VI: Fires of Rubicon') (Remix)

Home (From 'Terranigma') (A Place to Return To)

Beautiful Rise (From 'Nier: Automata') (City Ruins)

For Her Soul (From 'Shadow of the Colossus') (Swift Horse)

Champion of Hyrule (From 'The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild') (Title)

The Outlands (From 'Apex Legends') (You Are The Jumpmaster)

The Land of the Fayth (From 'Final Fantasy X') (Besaid Island)

Into Oblivion (From 'Batman: Arkham City') (Arkham City Main Theme)

The Phoenix Rises (From 'Shenmue') (Shenmue ~Sedge Tree~)

Defy Death (From 'Nioh') (Alchemists II)

Run Away With Me (2013) (From 'GoldenEye 007') (Runway)

Catch Me (From 'Shovel Knight') (The Requiem of Shield Knight)

Dark Awaits (From 'Hunt: Showdown') (Rise up Dead Man)


Drifting Azure



The Druid of Durenwol

Sigurd, Nightmare Partisan

Cécile Grosvenor