Все публикации

Sh2-240 Supernova Remnant. The Spagehtti Nebula with HOO Processing.

NGC2336 Galaxy. Caputuring of Monochromal and Color and Their Composite.

The Cocoon Nebula: IC5146. Part 1 Live Stack with TSA-120 and Extender (f=1,396mm).

The Fireworks Galaxy NGC6946. Live Stacking and Image Processing

The Crystal Ball Nebula: NGC1514. Difference of Images by Filters.

M99 Galaxy with SkyMAX180. An Operation to Be Performed When Plate Solving Failes.

M51: Pinwheel Galaxy with SkyMAX180. Difference between 180-second and 300-second exposures.

M109 with SkyMAX180. Live Stack and Image Processing.

M100: The Mirror Galaxy with SkyMAX180. Live Stack and Image Processing

M64: Black Eye Galaxy with SkyMAX180. Live Stack and Image Processing.

M63: Sunflower Galaxy with SkyMAX180. Live Stack and Processed Image

M101: Pinwheel Galaxy with SkyMAX180 and ASi294MC Pro. Libe Stack and Image Processing

M51: Whirlpool Galaxy with Maksutov SkyMAX180. Live Stack and Image Processing.

The Collimation of Makstov SkyMAX180 and M27 Live Stack with the Fresh Scope.

My First HOO Processing. Thor’s Helmet Nebula: Sh2-298

Medusa Nebula: Sh2-274. Live Stack and Image Processing

IC434 Horsehead and M42 Orion Live Stack with Askar FRA400 and ASiair (revised version)

M31 Andromeda and M33 Triangulum Live Stack with ASiAir (revised version)

Thor's Helmet Nebula. Live Stack & Image Processing

Lobster Claw Nebula and Orion Nebula (ver2). Live Stackings and Processed Images.

North America Nebula and Rosette Nebula. Live Stackes and Processed Images

The Heart Nebula and The Soul Nebula. Live Stacks and Processed Images.

M31 Andromeda and M33 Triangulum Captured with Quattro150P.

IC434 Horsehead and M42 Orion Live Stack with Askar FRA400 and ASiair.