Все публикации

BMI, why is it important? Dr Madeline

NHS GP Work Experience @ Brunel Medical School #doctor #student

Brunel University work experience programme! Getting into medicine and healthcare

Programmes available to diabetics who are type 2

Programmes for Diabetes type 2

Put Diabetes type 2 into Remission! NHS

🚨 Global IT Outage 🚨 pharmacies and GP surgeries affected

Asking a mum - how to get kids to eat healthier?

Asking a mum - how to get kids to avoid screen time?

Asking a mum - how to get kids to enough exercise?

Have you got these hay fever symptoms 🤧

Do you suffer from hayfever?

Checking in to your appointment ⏰ NHS

Brown Bread for Health! Pharmacist talks

Child BMI - weight calculation (see description)

Helping a child maintain a healthy weight

Energy in causes weight gain?

Blood Pressure WARNING symptoms #nhs #nhsengland #health #bloodpressure #hypertension

Gestational Diabetes Top Tips

MMR Vaccine Q&A

Just one can of soft drink?! too much sugar

Point of View Blood Pressure! and why it's important

Ever wondered about the how blood tests are taken and followed up?

Unhealthy supermarket shopping - Beat this!