Все публикации

Fault-tolerant Simulation of Lattice Gauge Theories with Gauge Covariant Codes

Multivariate Fidelities

Triply efficient shadow tomography

Realization of an Andreev Spin qubit

Certifying almost all quantum states with few single qubit measurements

Verification of Recursively Defined Quantum Circuits

A fixed point algorithm for matrix projections with applications in quantum information

Two prover perfect zero knowledge for MIP*

Useful entanglement can be extracted from noisy graph states

Unconditional quantum MAGIC advantage in shallow circuit computation

Polynomial Time Classical Simulation of Noisy IQP Circuits with Constant Depth

Extending the Known Region of Nonlocal Boxes that Collapse Communication Complexity

Graph theoretical optimization of fusion based graph state generation

Quantum complexity of testing signed graph clusterability

Doubling the order of approximation via the randomized product formula

Monogamy of highly symmetric states

Unbounded Quantum Advantage in One-Way SC Complexity of a Distributed Clique Labelling Relation

Incorporating Zero Probability Constraints to Device Independent Randomness Expansion

Characterizing First Arrival Position Channels: Noise Distribution and Capacity Analysis

Filtering crosstalk from bath non-Markovianity via spacetime classical shadows

A super-polynomial quantum advantage for combinatorial optimization problems

Non-uniformity and Quantum Advice in the Quantum Random Oracle Model

Reduce&chop: Shallow circuits for deeper problems

Optimizing classical shadows with insights from quantum dynamics