Все публикации

'Socialism for the Bankers' Yanis Varoufakis on What Killed Capitalism? (Part 2)

'This is not Capitalism Anymore!' Yanis Varoufakis on Technofeudalism, Big and Big Tech. (Part 1)

'We All Have Trauma' | Gabor Maté on Trauma and Illness and the Myth Of Normal (Part 3)

This is Why You're Sick | Gabor Maté on Trauma, Illness and our Culture (Part 2)

Our Culture is Killing Us | Gabor Mate on the Myth that is our 'Normal' Culture (Part 1)

Are Tories Still Conservative? | Rory Stewart on the Tory Leadership (Part 2)

How TikTok Changes Kids | Stanford Prof. Dr Anna Lembke

How to Fix Your Dopamine Addiction | Stanford Prof. Dr Anna Lembke

Dr Rahul Jandial | The New Neuroscience of Sleep and Dreams

Is Lucid Dreaming Real? | Rahul Jandial

Does the Brain Rest While Asleep? Brain Surgeon Dr Rahul Jandial on Sleep and Dreams

Slavoj Žižek & Ash Sarkar - In conversation

Elon Associates pain and Drama with Love

Elon Needs His Children With Him At All Times

Elon doesn't like the 'Woke Mind Virus'

The Pioneer of 'Emotional Intelligence' Daniel Goleman on a Balanced Life

Elon is a Man Child

Elon's World View Is Shaped By Video Games

Elon Wants Hardcore Intensity

Elon has Messianic Visions

Elon Musk wants REAL AI

Selling your Soul to the Devil

Biden Made His Choice

Empathy is not Enough