Все публикации

Rating My SUBSCRIBERS COMBOS in The Strongest Battlegrounds

NEW KJ ULTIMATE MOVE + 3 NEW SUIRYU MOVES in The Strongest Battlegrounds LEAKS

I Unlocked the KJ 20 20 20 DROPKICK MOVE in The Strongest Battlegrounds

I Learned EVERY FAMOUS COMBO in The Strongest Battlegrounds

TATSUMAKI NEW PASSIVE vs ULTIMATE MODES in The Strongest Battlegrounds..


They SECRETLY BUFFED ATOMIC SAMURAI in The Strongest Battlegrounds

KJ MOVESET vs GOJO MOVESET in The Strongest Battlegrounds..

I Made my OWN COMBO in The Strongest Battlegrounds

Jujutsu Shenanigans added 2 NEW MOVES and They are GOOFY..

Wall Combos are BROKEN in The Strongest Battlegrounds

TROLLING Players by EMOTING WITH THEIR DEAD BODYS in The Strongest Battlegrounds

Hunting my IMPOSTERS in The Strongest Battlegrounds

They added a SECRET SUKUNA MOVE to The Strongest Battlegrounds

They NERFED TATSUMAKI, Then BUFFED IT right after... (The Strongest Battlegrounds)

They added a SECRET ADMIN MOVESET to The Strongest Battlegrounds..

Joining Random Private Servers UPDATE is Coming to The Strongest Battlegrounds..

I Tested FAMOUS COMBOS in The Strongest Battlegrounds

i Tested 13 NEW MYTHS in The Strongest Battlegrounds...

They added a GOKU BLACK MOVESET to This Battlegrounds Game..

I Used the WORST MOVESETS in The Strongest Battlegrounds..

Fighting THE STRONGEST EGG in The Strongest Battlegrounds..

They made TATSUMAKI OVERPOWERED in The Strongest Battlegrounds..

This MOBILE PLAYER Has 100,000 KILLS so i 1v1ed him The Strongest Battlegrounds..